Local Painter Going Online, Lake Stevens, WA

Every company goes through a growth stage.  Sooner or later they need to get in front of more customers… MGR Painting is a skilled Lake Stevens Painter, but they weren’t getting the traffic to match up to their skill. That is where Ascend Marketing comes in. We love working with companies who are the best at what they do. When we first begin working with a new company, we love to get to know what they specialize in. When we got to know MGR Painting LLC, we saw that they were excellent painters. They do both interior and exterior painting well. They can also handle wallpaper installation or removal. One thing that they’ve started doing recently is painting kitchen cabinets. Painting kitchen cabinets can really freshen up your kitchen with minimal investment.

With a great foundation, we at Ascend Marketing came in and got to work. We began marketing with on-page SEO, curating a Facebook and Google+ page and created a custom package just for them. If you have any questions about the types of packages Ascend Marketing can offer your company, don’t hesitate to find out more!

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